Would you trust artificial intelligence to dress you? Barbara and Teja use the DressX app augmented reality feature to explore the world of digital fashion. They will dazzle social media fans with styles that will blow your mind! (and maybe your budget too...)
We'll be releasing the pictures on our socials and our web site too! Sign up for our newsletter! http://eepurl.com/hH5nZX Join us on Instagram @wearelivingforward https://www.facebook.com/livingforwardpodcast
Cryptocurrency is here to stay! Impress Elon Musk at the next SpaceX company outing with your wealth of knowledge. And find out why a TV show phenomenon might not be the best thing to base an investment on. Take the cryptocurrency quiz with Teja and see if you have what it takes to succeed in the cyber economy!
Sign up for our newsletter! http://eepurl.com/hH5nZX Join us on Instagram @wearelivingforward Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/livingforwardpodcast
The true test of technology isn't what it can do, it's what it can't do. Teja saw a slick advertisement for the new app Count This. Now he and Barbara are on a quest to have the app count everything in their house. Where will it succeed or fail? Will this new technology save them the pain of having to count all of the grapes in the fruit drawer or from confusion when sorting their socks? Tune in and find out!
This is the app we were playing with in the episode - Count this. Try it out for yourself and let us know how it goes! Sign up for our newsletter! http://eepurl.com/hH5nZX Join us on Instagram @wearelivingforward https://www.facebook.com/livingforwardpodcast
Facebook's massive outage this week is the perfect opportunity for Barbara & Teja to display their explainer skills so you can look hip and informed at your next distanced dinner party. The world may not have come to an end, but with millions of people's eyeballs unable to keep scrolling, visits to ophthalmologists may be up. Get your emergency outage supplies and join Barbara & Teja as they debrief about this major internet meltdown.
Here's the link to the Cloudflare article I used to learn about how Facebook went down. Join us on Instagram @wearelivingforward Sign up for our newsletter! http://eepurl.com/hH5nZX |